The Winning Combo - Manual Therapy + Exercise

What is manual therapy?

Manual therapy is a common term thrown out in the physical therapy world that describes common techniques used to mobilize/manipulate joints, muscles, and other tissues. Manual therapy treatment models focus on identifying and improving tissues that could be contributing to altered movement patterns. The ultimate goal is to improve ROM, functional mobility, and reduce pain in individuals.

Manual Therapy + Exercise

Although manual therapy can create great initial change, research tells us that is only one part of the winning equation. PTs utilize a variety of treatments that work on different processes of the body - the neurological system, circulatory system, and musculoskeletal system. Manual therapy, coupled with specific individualized exercises can greatly reduce a variety of movement issues in the body.

It’s the Winning Combo…

That combination of services is something good physical therapists excel in delivering to an active individual. Training different systems in the body in conjunction with complimentary passive interventions should be the standard in any PT practice. Always seek out a clinician who places value in both, and more importantly equips you as the patient with tools to move well.

Book your session with us today or call 205-304-1181 for more information.

Move Better. Live Well.


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