LBP Series - Have you or are you currently experiencing Low Back Pain?
Non-specific low back pain is one of the leading causes of disability in the world today, where as high as 84% of individuals will experience LBP at some point in their lifetime. Even if it resolves, approximately 60-80% of people will have return of their LBP within the next 12 months. So knowing these statistics, what are some common issues that occur in the low back? And more importantly, what are some things we can do to combat the issue.
The lumbar spine requires a unique blend of mobility and stability anytime we bend, move, lift, squat, or twist. Difficulty with some of these motions can be classified in a variety of ways, but often a few specific issues arise.
Facet joint issues, Disc bulges, Osteoarthritis, Stenosis, Nerve Entrapments, and combinations of all the above can create both acute and chronic issues in the low back. Targeted manual therapy treatments coupled with specific active exercises have been shown to provide significant relief of symptoms.
For example, many entities such as Mayo Clinic and others have recommended “supermans” as an exercise shown to help with decreasing low back pain. Low back pain should not be painted with a broad brush. The key is knowing when and how to implement these exercises at the appropriate intensity and frequency, directed by a Physical Therapist.
Follow us along this low back series and come to an understanding how physical therapy can be a great resource for both treating and preventing these common issues.
For more information on scheduling, don’t hesitate to call 205-304-1181 or set up a FREE virtual consultation with us.
Move Better. Live Well.